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Showing posts from January, 2017

What I learned from George Hogg ( Hero in China )

Dear Diary... Sunday, 29 Jan 2017 . written on 11.59 pm . George Aylwinn Hogg , died on 22th July , 1945 . Was a British Adventurer . He was a graduate of Oxford University  in economics . he's also known as a Hero in China  for saving   60 orphaned boys  (antaranya Shi-Kai, Ching, Yu-Lin, Lou I {anak pertama} , Lou Er { anak ke dua } , Lou San { anak ketiga } , Lou Si {anak keempat}. ) during the 2nd War between China & Japan ( Perang ke-2 China Jepun )  this is him. George Hogg  .He was a handsome young man. To me, he was a great, knowledgeable   man . He proved to me that Knowledge can fix everything.  He changed 60   useless, dirty, orphaned boys into Men.  'Men' here means ; strong, active, smart, good, gentle men.   He helped the boys with 3 months journey!  whatta mazing man! He patients  in every situation and he survived by himself. He got a {girl} friend, name Lee Pearson ( i w...

Beautiful whisper from Musfirah. 💟

afraid when people watch you? why? cus u think you're not beautiful. that's the reason right? maybe it's not but it is. don't lie yourself. quite right ah-ha? well me too. me too. it felt like people will judge you or sth and say that you're like this, you're like that and the face like this, the nose like that, the hijab wasn't perfect and she walk like a nerd and she like this, she like that and stuff like that .< like these right? When i was walking to my classroom with Musfirah yesterday and this thing happened. a crowd of human {lol} at our front. and they like watching us and  "chit chat chit chat " to their friends's ears and then watch us again then chit chat and repeat the same thing. we can't possibly run  or walk quickly!! i was too shy like nobody then i looked at Musfirah's face and i told her that im scared. Musfirah looked at me and then she whispered ; " Awak fikir yang awak ni cantik. :) " and i be like.....

Love Story. 💘

ada seorang pemuda. suatu hari, dia mengajak ayahnya 👴 untuk menemaninya masuk meminang seorang gadis. 👰   Ayahnya bertanya mengapa dia hendak mangahwini gadis tersebut? Anaknya 👨 menjawab " Gadis ini sangat cantik yang tiada tandingnya! Jika ayah melihatnya, pasti ayah akan tertarik akannya juga. " maka mereka pun pergilah ke rumah gadis tersebut. Pabila ayah pemuda itu melihat wajah bakal menantunya itu, FUHHHH. 😍😍 Cantik benar!!!!! Cantik yang mmg tiada nilainya! lantas si Ayah berkata " Wanita ini terlalu cantik, jadi dia memerlukan seseorang yang matang & berpengalaman mcm saya. "   Si Anak begitu terkejut dengan kata2 dari ayahnya itu. lalu mereka berdua pun bertengkar. " Sudah!! Kita selesaikan saja masalah ini dengan polis. " kata si Ayah. si Anak bersetuju. Mereka pun membawa si Gadis tadi berjumpa Polis 👮 lalu menceritakan peristiwa yang berlaku tadi. Pabila si polis melihat Gadis 👰 yang menawan tiada tandingan itu, si polis te...

Bilik Kaunseling 😷

Ada seorang remaja perempuan yang duduk disebelah saya di dalam kelas. nama diberi, Suhada. 😂 Masatu Suhada & dr. Al Fadhil Fadhilah Adliah pergi bilik kaunseling. 😆 nak jumpa cikgu sapa ntah 💁 yang pasti, BUKAN cekgu kaunseling.   Lepastu Arina ternampak Suhada dalam bilik kaunseling, dia dh nak keluar tapi malu2 macam tgk kiri kanan, lepastu tutup pintu. 😅😆 Arina pun tanya... kenapa... jawapan dia... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAABAB  😂😂😂😂😂😂 " AKU TAKUT NANTI ORG INGAT AKU KENA PANGGIL DENGAN CIKGU KAUNSELING. 😆😆😆 SEBAB TU AKU TAKUT NAK KELUAR.. " 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂  January, 2017 winner. 😆😆😆 ok bai.  8 jan 2017, 2.39 pm, sundayy