Yes, 2 minutes right after publishing my ' Alcoholic Father story ' . >< 24th April 2019, next week exam! Hari Guru SMIK. Hello, people! Today I decided to tell you guys about my skin secret. I thought lot of u guys can handle these teenage sensitive skins, but there are some asked me about what I wear & I never thought people will think about my skin is like what i thought i would never be. A little kaget here, actually. Hehe. So there might some of you gonna ask, is it OK to have skincare stuffs i mean, does own it can against the syara'? The answer is, having skincare thingies is OK as long as it's halal (make sure you check the halal logo on your products before buy it! Maybe for some opinions, nobody is going to care. But trust me, i do care about your skincare status cuz are you, gonna take off your skin everutime you wanna pray or during ibadah? and MY DAD cares about mine. He ever throw away my VERY NEW-NOT EVEN TOUCHED-FACE WASH because ...
I make my life interesting. anyways, cuz I have no storage left --