10 Januari 2022, im an officially an indie kid now gaisek. ;D -Sam Bunkface- -Shamsul Anuar- -Bunkface- Okay first thing first, i would like to apologize for using mix-language (read: malay & english). - i just couldn't help that i am a proud malay, but at the same time i want everyone to understand the situation i'm currently living in, in love with. <3 Yes guys i am drunk with Bunkface now!! :,D I just wanna let the world know how they own the special place in my heart and their songs in my head, rent free. Actually, the band is alr existed since i was in primary school; but what to expect from a 12 year old kid, other than chatting her mum the same thing every single day on FACEBOOK. Right now, here i am, battling with myself everyday for degree, and to fulfill the amanah cuz im not here on my own, there is other people's money funding my university fees (read: for the very kind compatriots who pay the taxes to the government). Hence, ...
I make my life interesting. anyways, https://vsco.co/8hana8/gallery cuz I have no storage left --