3 Febuari 2021,
Assignment ICT.
Dengar je week 6 , u can imagine how hectic in the world it could be. Sebab asasi UIA 1 sem ada 12 wiks, so half week is equivalent to " cepat la oi lambatnya kau gerakk!! " ☺️ lepastuu semua lecturer mcm plan sama2 je kan nak bagi kerja sekali segedebuk 😚. Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ketepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian langsung tak diaplikasikan 😑 like they give us kerja senang dulu lepastu susah semua hujung2?! And im not even grateful for that.
I am currently in week 9. So 2 weeks past the wik 6 tadi, and i have to admit wik 7 dgn wik 8 memang insane!!! We were given 2-week task so faham2 je la dia bnyak songeh ke tak. However though, i managed to settle down everything before semalam, hari Rabu, week 9.
Cerita dia, semalam i had so much things to do!! Before 10am kena submit Microsoft Excel punya exercise dah la ada 20 latihan gilaaaaaa. Lepastu, kena submit Built Environments: Site Analysis & Synthesis punya slide + research and segala macam history and biology behind suatu building & its site. 🙂 Yeeee tahu senang tapi susahnya sbb i dont own any lappy so kena guna fon, dah la screen kecik yakmat lepastu guna PicsArt pulak tu hm. Kena pulak, right at 10 am tu ada exam ICT 2 jam. Mmg mantul pak abu . Lecturer mmg suka tgk kitaorg terseksa ceni hahahaha.
Semalam, i woke up super duper early, slide siap malam nya around 3 pagi, tp ict lupa nak letak Multiplication Table (curse) so kena rushing to computer lab yang dkt hujung dunia sbb nak submit before 10 pagi. Bfast belum agi. 🤠 So sbb Zulaikha ada kelas, taknak la kacau dia semata assignment sendiri, so i went alone ke computer lab siap buat video call dgn umi cuz im a scaredy cat yknow.
Sampai2 je eh la ada imam CFS (hehe he's just my age but he's the one yang responsible untuk azan and hal2 masjid and he's from Islamic Revealed Knowledge [kos IRK] yea), so im not that takut nak duduk dlm lab. Cuma ya la a bit inappropriate i know cuz only 2 of us dalam tu and tempat pulak tertutup hshshs but i bet everyone kenal dia so takde apa la. I turned off the video call dengan umi, ckp "takpela mi, i have friend pulak dlm lab, byee"
Lepastu maka bermula la perang dunia ke-3 dengan ICT. Tiba2 ada chinese man datang masuk which mati2 ku ingat technician!!!!! 🙂 so i replied his smile masa dia nak masuk tu lepastu terus pecut type dkt komputer. Lepastu technician ni dia borak2 dengan brother behind me alias imam masjid cfs tu. Lepastu dia mcm tgk2 komputer, aircond dgn semua laa which make it obvious yang dia ni technician.
Right after that dia keluar lepastu dia masuk balik oh god how thoughtful dia belikan air for me gais!!! 🤕💓 i could've just berborak dgn dia about so many things tapi ICT dengki namati so lepas ckp thank you terus buat assignment je sbb benda ada time ni haih.
*air yang lecturer tu belanja.
While tekan2 keyboard tu, i was wondering,
"baiknya technician ni."
" have we ever met somewhere?"
"Does he knows me?"
"Siapa ya dia ni?"
Lepastu tiba2, THE REAL technician came in and dia tanya chinese man tu, hows the aircond, and pukul berapa start dia punya KELAS, etc, and i was like..
"Kelas? Siapa dia nii. Nak kata 3rd intake macam too old for 3rd intake. Takkan technician ada kelas?"
Lepastu the REAL technician tanya that man, kan bilik ni ber-aircond, kenapa tak tutup pintu? And encik tengah mengajar ke? (Sbb nampak me dgn budak IRK tu kan so dia ingat org tu lect kitaorg) Lepastu Chinese man tu ckp "oh takde la sbb dlm ni ada sorang je sister (aku la tu 😭) so i think it's better for me to duduk sini and to just open the door. "
Ya Tuhan, kiranya dari tadi dia duduk situ sbb there was only mee perempuan dalam tu 😭😭😭😭😭 dia temankan gilaaaak (oh and buka semua pintu) 🙂
Lepastu at the time exan aku dah start, dia tanya, susah ke? Assignment ke? Ohh kena buat mcm tu yea? Masa ni sumpah kufikir friendly nya 'technician' ni. But he kept staring at my screen mcm pengawas exam tgk kita punya anwer sheet tau tak as he stood right at my side. 😭
Lepastu ada orang call dia, and i heard dia kata he will ada class pukul 4- 6 ni, ha right at this point mmg CONFIRM yang dia ni lecturer. 😌 things aren't too high to reach when you are in UIA @ IIUM (ofc that's why i like it in here, everyone are so nice, and concerns about everything!) that i have the lecturers and staffs almanac on IIUM website. So i just do what my heart wants to do 😂😂😂😂 - He's somewhere on top of software engineering and teaches ict.
Maybe that's why he was curious about my assignment hahahahahahaha malunya but i bet jawapan aku betul semua unless ada la tinggal satu soalan je pasal VLOOKUP function, sbb buat2 still tak dpt2 formula nya. Asyik error. Masa berjalan. Hm
All and all i can conclude that each day offers different things and demands different you. And those things mesti beautiful punya and so you have to :)
Until next time ❤ R
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