27 sept 2021; lagi 2 hari nak bday 2 onyet favourite saya HAHAHAHAHA. sekarang dah pukul 2.59 am, and I feel so fresh sbb baru jek bangun, dah tidur dah lepas isyak tadi hehehe. shall we start the entry- so I just woke up from my deep sleep, I went ahead open up my phone just like everyone else does hahahaha and read all messages. I don't know why but my what'sapp is always filled with new messages EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. I suddenly remembered my room mate said that " Raihana is a businessman whenever she wakes up, always with her phone replying all questions and hells there. " 😂😂😂😂😂 however that doesn't really matter, but I stopped at Farina's text that she sent me a name list of our groupings for orientation week- Yep, we are currently on orientation for our degree and I've never felt this indifferent and reluctant. despite the event is fully held online, I still force my little mind to work on a plan to escape all these. contrary to when I was in ...
I make my life interesting. anyways, https://vsco.co/8hana8/gallery cuz I have no storage left --