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microbiology guy,

 26th November 2022. 

Guess what this gal haven't touch her Design yet and she had just a few hours before her sleep time - at least I need to have a rough form, floor plan, circulation experience, material selection and my RNR landscape by tonight. Yup. I spent the whole day watching Emily In Paris and I would say I am quite addicted to the episodes now. I am recharged to continue my aspiration since 2019 where I learnt French because I admired this one Malay-French guy, the son of somewhat Malaysian celebrity, and he doesn't speak Malay. Thank God my foundation offered the subject during my time as schedule snack so, I had my time enjoying the ride. It's just I don't practice the language anymore as I used to use an online app namely Mondly, to you know, keep the song playing in my tongue. But I need to uninstall it due to my phone storage problem that cared more about my architectural project soft copies. 

Looking at Emily, it somehow reflects back to my dull life, in terms of love relationship. Yes, I have never had one. Laying down my fortress, you guessed right - I have been in love SO many times. I don't know the difference between 'to been in love' or 'to fallen in love' but basically some guys were crushing into me and they blew their shots and I just gave them chances. The only shit I appreciate in me is that I AM LEGIT SO PLAY HARD TO GET, so after a few shots I somehow fell into the rabbit hole and those guys weren't even interested anymore to help. Tracking back my routine, this naive Raihana was actually had some dating experiences that surprisingly none any of you would believe how those went. The snippet is that, they were all magical. To make it more understandable, so far during my foundation since degree which equivalent to 2.2 year, I've been with nearly 25 GUYS OMGGGGG IM SHOCKED WRITING THIS TOO HAHAHAHAHAAH with age range as young as 20 to 24 years old. No, I don't think I would type down the details of each guy, but if some of you wonder then just reach me somewhere through my social media, I would never mind to storytell hahahaha. But from these 10 guys, I think the first one really takes it all, cause I was madly in love with him like nobody (but he was blindly stupid that he left me for some girls that only be with him for his face?! I was there when he got the lowest grade, man. I was there when everyone spoke the bad side of him for his academic. I was there during his bad hair day. And I even tried to love everything he adore for his life), compared to other 9 that basically threw the dice first before I decided to jump into the same boat. And here I am. Still single - only a fool will say they're not tired of this madness. 

So I thought, I should somehow take a break from this pandemic, start to be crushless and maybe to just focus on myself. Let's just focus on the study and get hell good grades. After that we will proceed for a good master program and within the time maybe we can hope for a handsome French guy.. maybe I might bump into mixed-Indonesian actor...or whatever. But I am planning to enjoy the working period I shall devote to the government, and then to come up with my own design studio, later? If there's no room for owned-design studio I may look forward to be a humble academician?. Not to mention about other guys who use my friends as 3rd party to ask about me and my status. Nope, I won't consider those cheap talks unless you guys really confess in front of my nose - And I will be very open to try and see if it's work out or not, together (but ofc only applicable for my type). 

To tell, there was one guy, a schoolmate of my friend that never failed to ask about me every single week. It all started on the earliest week of this semester 1 and just 3 days ago he was quite serious with his thought. I told my friend to tell him to follow me on Instagram, where we can talk directly there and settle anything he wishes to settle. However he was too shy to do so and we had, or maybe HAVE HAHAHHA my friend as our medium to interact - how islamic and formal is this sounds to you cuz it sounds that to me HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA. And guess what - HE IS 10000000/10 TO MEEEEEEEEEE I'M CRYING. He's currently studying at UPM and taking microbiology for his degree. He's 172 and his school background is something that fulfils my requirement too! He's from the same state as me, which I think we would not have to worry to face traffic jam during hari Raya.. BUT. There is this one thing THAT DOESN'T FIT MY PARENTS REQUIREMENT; my parents would love if their children in laws are from somewhere faaaaaar. As far as overseas, preferably. And came to me and my mum's surprise, his house is just located at my kampungggggg ko raseeeeeeeeeeeee. My kampung is just 20 minute away from my house, man. And my parents kampung pun sebelah2. And suddenly this guy's house is located in between my mum's and dad's hometown and his father's hometown is exactly the same as my father's?!!!!!!!!! Ya Allah. I'm so not interested to know if his father may be my father's 3rd cousin or so I just keep hoping in my mind that he's not anything related to my family, that's all. It's just cannot be like that, things just don't work that way, please. I want to see new landscapes of families, I want to get to know lots of people and connect everyone seriously. 

To be honest, after processed the data my friend have gathered for me about her schoolmate, I don't really mind about where he's from nor where he's living. He himself is something else - we would never know how wide the garden he has in his mind. And his courage, that now I knew him, and his study background are also things I have to admire and appreciate. Maybe if my mom doesn't want him to be around like real near, then we will migrate somewhere. He can be a scientist at foreign hospitals or universities if he wants, and, it would be lovely to have a combination of architecture and biology - another interest for me as I want my children to have the portion of their parents knowledge and benefit from it. 

But...... after seeing some of his photograph, he's starting to look like a bit off my type (I think he's too manly HAHHAAHAH), but nooo my ears have been swelling for days after my room mates screamed him handsome like hell. I don't know. I'm not sure... but dyou think... I should give a try? 


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