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the result.

dear not-so-diary, assalamualaikum w.b.t. it's been a while x update blog. 🙆 so, here i am! so as everyone knows that today is 14th December which result pt3 kluar, and TAHNIAH gais! 😚 no matter mcm mana pun result, berubahlah kearah kebaikan setiap saat. 😃 itulah kejayaan yang sebenar-benarnya. 12:50 am. so nak cerita, sebelum amik result.. memang takut semua tu. mungkin ada 70% self confidence, 3 0% tak konfiden. so macam remaja normal yang lain, banyakkan berdoa. berdoa setiap masa. sebab semua benda dalam dunia ni Allah punya. nak? mintaklah dekat Allah. ☺ jadi mesti terbayang mcm2. Kalau dapat 9A, wah! Eh tapi. kalau dapat 8 mcm mana? Taknak lah, nanti dapat2 tengok 4a.  Penat-penat fikir, otak buat pemerhatian ; if the result teruk, family okey ke? Of course lah. They're our FAMILY. they will accept our matter what happened, they will love us like they do. always. 👼 jadi, alhamdulillah ala kulli haal. 👩🌻🌻🌻🌻 hari ini dimana merupakan 1 uj...

poem : Change

Saturday, 4 Nov 2017, next week trip to Malacca with 'beloved friends' (yekerrr 😜😂 ).  this poem is for my friend, Aisyah. actually this spaghetti 🍝 stays in my diary. 📑 and u know what word diary  means right? only you  can read it. can't tell anyone bout it.  but mine, ngeh. is a   not-so-diary. 😅   well this is because to me, if i followed the concept " diary "  is just like i'm wasting my time. yah the reality, humans are forgetful. so when you wrote so many things in your diary, and you'll forget it. it's just to me, no one will ever read it except you. maybe for other people writing things and hide it will make them feel much better. ya i felt the same too. but to me, as long as i don't tell the subject to change, nothing will change. no, don't get me wrong. this is my opinion. i didn't say that your opinion is wrong or sth. 😅😄 so, whenever i write something in my diary, i will just let people to read it. with that, peopl...


assalamualaikum w.b.t!! huh it's been a while i haven't update anything in my blog. and it's turning bleak i guess. 🤔 so alhamdulillah i've finished my examination not so 2 days ago.  so nak cerita nya ni. 😆😆 masa last day pt3 haritu, paper b. Arab.. Ic aku hilang.. masa tu dahlah dah lewat. patutnya kat sekolah 30 minit sebelum exam ( exam starts 8.10 am )  tapi aku masih lagi dekat rumahhhhhhhhhhh. ni semua sbb bangun lambat. ye lah weii. ulangkaji sampai pagi wei. 🙇 dengan kelam kabutnya. lepastu tgk jam dah pukul 7.30 am. ⌚ patutnye aku dah kena ada dekat sekolah dah! 😭  lepastu rushing lah turun bawah nk gerak pi kereta. lepastu aku teringat. 😶 tadi masa amik pen dengan calculator dekat atas meja.. IC?  - umi dengar. " ko check sekarang IC ada ke tak. "  aku dgn peluh2 sebab rushing tadi, dgn pegang bekal nye lagi cepat2 check bag tgk pencilcase. ha sudah ic takde. 😰 aku naiiiiik balik atas.... lari ni.. 🏃 cari lah ic ataas meja. takde. 😭 a...

How to get rid of the pain while being injected! 💉💣 theory confirmed 😆

{ ١٩.٨.٢٠١٧ ، يوم السبت } Assalamualaikum w.b.t. 😀 so this year i'm 15 and the last injection i get is when i'm 15. 😇 so, when the due date is just around the corner... and your friends and seniors and teachers be like " 👿 ", they told you that the injection was " argh! " and the most painful injection ever! 💀👀 and you be like " argh " too. and came out the famous story of injection; that the needle is recycled one.. they use and reuse it.. so to make sure that it is cl3an from any dangerous type of organisms, they put the needle on fire so that the organisms are all dead. so pretty scary huh? you know,, a few days before injection, i was like I WANNA GET OUT OF SCHOOL. 🚶🏻💨 And i was planning when it is my turn I REALLY WANT TO RUN AWAY. AND I WAS THINKING THAT MAYBE MY UMI AND PAPA WILL JUST MAD AT ME for days BUT NOT FOREVER. AND TEACHERS WILL DEFINITELY LABELED ME AS the CHEEKIEST STUDENT EVER. 🐒 but that's fine to me for at lea...

Life knocked me so hard 💀

Assalamualaikum w.b.t!!!! hahahahahahahah long time tak updateee. 💆 so, Fri-Yay, 28 July 2017. 5.09 pm.  so here i'm goin to write avout what happened on me 2, 3 days ago. They were the MOST AWFUL things that ever happened in my life. i mean, they aren't the most awful, but ME, IN THE SITUATION. 😥😥😥  HHAHAHAHAHHA!! 😂😂😂😂  ♣♣♣♣♣♣pls stand by ♣♣♣♣♣ so for those who know me, i'm that type yang suka gelak tiba2 😂😂 sbb tadi teringat pulak kisah Cikgu Musafri yang dia goreng ikan 🐟 utk adik2 dia yg terchenta masa dia kecik dulu. 😂😂😂😂 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. ok, sekarang nk start dr hari selasa. pagi2 tu, masa kelas Quran. ada budak ni katanye kena kacau. so kitaorg kena lah keluar surau sbb nk buat perubatan islam tu kenn.. lepastu bak kata Neena, Rayy ni selalu lambat. 🌚🌚🌚  jadi org lain dah jalan keluar, aku masih lagi pakai kasut. maklumlah, masih kanak2 ribena 🍇 pakai kasut lekat2. kwn2 lain semua sarungs jer  😆 so ada lah Ustaz ...

Important Note!! CLICK HERE 🙏😓

Assalamualaikum, 😃🌻 ( waalaykumsalam ) just want to tell that I've custom my blog.. the writing, the background, the colours and everything! so if you're reading tis blog using your phone 📱 then you can't see the changes. so to see the gorgeous changes, click deep down there i mean scroll this entry and you'll see view web version. CLICK it! 🎈🎂🎈🎂🎈 nah it's beautiful isn't it? 😄 feels like real diary huh? 😁 xx thanks for the supports and everything xx alhamdulillah 🌷 // don't forget to thank Allah for this day? say it : Alhamdulillah 😀 wallahuaklam. ⛅⛅⛅

Update about Cacti or Cactus our lil kitten 🐈

It is still alive. it lives with my downstairs neighbors. there Cacti got a new mommy cat, and 2 new siblings. and the most relieve part is, Cacti just reunited with it's 'younger kitten brother' i guess? 😂 oh oh and he's very  HAPPY NOW. AND SO WE ARE. 😌😍  well thank you-s for your concerns about it. they mean everything! did you know? that making somebody feel happy, Allah sees nothing except paradise as a reward for His slave. ☁ so keep making your friends happy and the happiest creature on earth just maybe by giving some pressies, 📦 smiles, 👧 sharing problems and solutions or even sharing funny videos to them! wallahuaklam, bye!

Ugly hand writing. 📝 -motivational entry (...i guess😗)

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t. 😄 Salam Ramadhan to all of you. ('all' seem so many readers 😂😂 since i know how many  people read my blog. 😆 more info, read the latest entry! 🙋)  so it's 3: 46 AM (now i just wait for Sahoor 😗). everyone is sleepin. and i don't know how long can papa's/rania's phone hotspot can hold on.. (the battery drains very fast.) i don't have any credits in my phone since this year i have a big examination.  so i take this FREE time to improve, change myself. i watched videos about hijabs, language,. from there i watched the attitude, behaviour, how's they react , etc. being honest, i still cannot found what i seek. i mean i do found it but it is just not enough. 🙍 then my brain told me that my hand writing is ugly. well to be a great muslimah, a leader, we should have a beautiful hand writing.  this made me remember something.. when i told my friend, Maryam that my hand writing is super duper ugly and i mean it's beautiful. ...

Bila jawab kertas exam yang susah be like.. (Student 👻 Edition)

🍅 27 May 2017, Sabtu 🍅 🍅 First Day Puasa 🍅  Assalamualaikum, dan salam Ramadhan! 🍴😄 pagi tadi sahur apa? me and the tomahto family cuma sahur roti, sausages and cheese dan sambal telur dan mayonaise. 😂  nak throwback siket, minggu lepas exam. nak cerita ni. masa tu paper Science , paper yang kononnya paling susah masa form 3 ni. 😆 masa tu, dah lah masa nak habis,x tahan nak pegi toilet, 🚽 lepastu ada soalan yg x siap lagi..  lupa pulak fakta2 nk jawab tu. bak kata cikgu Liyana ; " Science is about reading. "  📚 masa tu tgh pikiaq soalan Fotosintesis. sebelum fotosintesis ada 1 lagi proses lain kalau x silap. 😂😂 jadii, dah x tahan sgt kan, kena pegi jugak toilet. masa pegi toilet ya ampun..  lama beneran sih org dalamnya!! 😆😆😆 dh lah bila aku ketuk2 tanya cepat sikit org tu " krik2 " je. 😆 nak dekat 10 minit kottt aku tunggu depan tu. dh lah x siap lagi, dah nk habis masa, dah x tahan.. 😆😆 masa tu ikutkan hati mmg nak ketuk kuat sikit...

Cactus, our new family member. 😌😞

dear Raihana akan datang, (aiih sedih lah nk tulis. 😅😇 ) Cactus, warna Chocolate, Bulu panjang tapi x panjang sangat. 😂 look how it sleeps!! adorable !!!!!! 😀😁💞😌  *tgh mAkan jap* 🍚🐟 ⌚⌚ -10 menit kemudian- ⌚⌚ assalamualaikum w.b.t [[ Peace be upon to you!! 🐻 ]] so toooday, there's a kitten 'meowing' in front of the door. actually selama ni mmg ada 3 ekor kittens kat sini. sekor warna coklat (ummm sedap nye coklat 🐸🍫), sekor warna mcm Oren 🍁 , sekor lagi comot putih, oren, hitam, coklat pekat. 😃 ps: yang dekat gambar tu yang warna oren. kucing ni ada mak n bertuan. dia selalu ada dekat block rumah saya tapi bukan dekat lantai. 😅 maksudnye, dia meow2 dekat bumbung, kadang2 tembok dinding tepi tu. ha. lepastu.. kittens2 ni selalu pergi rumah saya.. comel gilerr. set2 bulu domestic long hair tuu. 😆 tapi, sejak akhir2 ni, tak nampak pun kittens2 tu. 😥 sedih. lpstu ada lah kawan umii dr block lain bg tahu yg dia ambik sekor anak kucing nye....

Kisah Imam Abu Hanifah berdebat dengan Atheists 🌅 Powerful Story.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. it's been forever i didn't post any entry. 🌃 anyways i'm a student so i have to share the knowledges, 📚 what i learnt to all of you, xx love. 🎀 i really hope that you'll get something from this powerful story. ☺ ******************************************   Imam Abu Hanifah dicabar oleh golongan atheists 👥 berdebat  tentang kewujudan Allah.  Beliau sengaja datang lewat kemajlis perdebatan tersebut. golongan atheists mengambil peluang untuk mencemuh Abu Hanifah. Imam Abu Hanifah berkata : " Saya datang dari seberang sungai Dajlah. 🌊 tadi, saya tunggu lama. tiada kapal 🚢 pun dtg. sampai saya rasa nak balik rumah. 🏡😅 Tiba2 saya nampak sekeping kayu dekat sungai kemudia kayu tu pun terbelah menjadi kepingan2 papan yang tersusun rapi dan menjadi sebuah kapal ⛵ yang cantik.  Saya naik kapal tersebut dan sampai ke sini. 🚣 "  Para Atheists berkata; " Jangan kamu mempermainkan kami! Adakah logik papan yang sekeping sekepin...

my half piece gone 😢

30 march 2017. khamis. 7.53 pm. harini puasa sunat. 🙊 dapat buka nasi lemak aunty Amy. 🍛 harini balik pukul 6 sbb ada latihan debat with the loveliess mates eva , Ainul & Hidayah 🍟😌 mmmmm. 😢😢😢 i don't know how to describe how i feel right now.. my half gone. 💔 mmm. actually i am really shy to write, to tell ya about this thing. but what do i have to record all my life stories? i have nooo DIARY! 📒 i have diary once. but people keep reading my diary and finally it's not a diary anymore. 😔 what do you mean, I AM SAD RIGHT NOWW.  yes i know many people will read 📓 this entry but, only lil amount of human. 👥 nah i need some people to remind me about this thing too! 🎐 but the truth is i'm not hoping to get many people to read my blog. this is kinda my diary!! so if you read all of the entries, you're lucky. not everyone easily allow people to read their diaries. 👩 hmm. so i am shock. terribly shock. 😶 Musfirah told me that "that girl" ...

When You're Asleep and Your Dad Speaks Java at Home 😂

hahaha assalamualaikum w.b.t 🍛 !!! so malam tadi aku tidur awal... 🌃 ye lah penat sekolah kann.. lepastu anis tanya... 😂😂😂 kejap.. aku ss. hahahaha. ha ni.. 😂😂😂 Anis tanya.. lepastu masa tu aku dah tidur.. jadi Ayah aku yg jawab HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 clear tak? kalau x clear ni. : ***************************************    Anis Zafirah: Wey,                      Anis Zafirah:  Mim Alif (ما ) tu dlm kategori huruf ke,? yang surah Al-Waqiah ayat 2            Anis Zafirah: wey bce ah Me: opo Anis Zafirah: tu 👆 Me: kieh bapak eh , nur raihana wes turu Anis Zafirah: Amondo lah hang merepek nie Me: Dh tido Anis Zafirah: Ouh ok2 ************************************** adoiiii  😂😂😂😂 mesti Anis tepinga2 masa tu HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 😂😂😂😂😂 for your information, dekat rumah, ayah aku mmg cakap Jawa. nak makan ...


4.15 pm - depan smkjk, traffic light tgh merah - baru balik sek - masih dlm kete. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. sekarang ni aku dalam kereta sandar je. sbb apa? TADI KAT SEKOLAH SUHADA LUKIS ANAK AYAM DEKAT TUDUNG AKUUUU 😂😠😂😠😂😠😂😠😂 tak tahu nak gelak ke nak marah weh.  cerita nya mcm ni.. haritu masa buat keje kayu K.H.B dekat bengkel, tudung aku terkena varnis. jadi dah basuh pun still ada. dekat bahagian kepala belah kiri plak tu. mcm HINGUSSSSSSSS sbb warna dia kuning2 hijau yak. 😫😫 dah iron, dah berus, dah koret2 pakai pembaris pun tak boleh!!!!!! 😂😂 lepastu aku ingat takde org perasan lah kan.. kalau org tahu tu varnis tak pe. ni ingatnye hingus. sapa x malu 😹😹😹 lepastu ada lah beberapa junior tanya " akak, tudung akak rosak ke? " aku pun jawablah tu varnis. 😂 jadi tahu dh kan maksudnye? maksudnye org perasan. lepastu aku yang pandai ni pun dpt lah idea utk conteng guna pen. jadi x lah malu sgt drpd hingus. kan. lepastu benda tu kat tepi kepala... masa t...

I hate vegetables 😥

25 march 2017, 3.11 pm, Saturday. dear who else who read this entry, today my mom 👸 cooked some Nasi Goreng 🍛 with veggie 🌾 (ofcourse) inside. usually, it doesn't matter if i don't eat the veggies because i am NATURALLY don't eat veggies. i have no idea why, but i've tried and practiced to eat veggies since i was 3 year old 🚼 and before i swallow, i  spew them...💨 everytime i try to eat veggies. but i didn't give up, i tried till i'm in primary school. 👧 the result was still same, they just can't get inside my throat. 😅 so tadi, dunno why , ummi nampak sungguh garang. ummi paksa aku makan SAYURRRRR 😧. ummi cakap mcm ni " MAKAN NASI DENGAN SAYUR. " Lepastu i be like " omaigad 🙀.. cyg x suka sayurrrrr... then ummi repeated " MAKAN DENGAM SAYUR " and i be like okey i try. 😫🙌 and i have no idea why every SINGLE BITE i just tergigit sayur sekali.. kalau carrot 🐇 tu i boleh tahan lagi.. NI KACANG IJO. 💀 ya Allah.... ...

Old Crannie (poem by Me)

my tears can't wait to gush like the fountains. 😢 um. this poem is for grandMOTHER. but old people is just same. 😌😔 feel the poem okay? i need u to feel it. um. the wrinkles, the slow-voice loud laugh, everything is funny, everything is sad. the blue ringed-pupils, the nag, the gold-lover, the beauty lover, al mulk reciter every maghrib, always a misser.. she loves nature, she hates gadgets, always dreamy, never gets to wake up. obsess about sightseeing, but she's still thinking of something, she try to hide it, didn't notice that she hides where people can found it. happy, happy she's happy, no she's not happy in this happy situation. can't tell how's she's wondering, trying to free herself from the past, trying to survive from the past. old grannie, old crannie. she knows how she is, she reminds the forgetful people early because she knows what will she be, and she will forget it. she's afraid. that...


Ya Allah... please, give me somebody to take me to Bahrain....... please..... 😦😦😦 i said to my mother; " Ummii, book tickets to Bahrain right now.. it's fine if we don't stay in the hotel, duduk tepi jalan pun Cyg rela.. 😦😦 " ..... 😂 and Ummii be like " Umi malas layan. 😑 " 😆😆😆😆😆 um i feel like i want to jump out of window... if only Bahrain is next door from my house um. 😟😟 i posted a moment in Wechat about what i feel right now.  and Atiqa commented " tadi kita dh call anak raja Dubai dh nnti dia dtg jemput awk pkai helikopter " HAHAHAHAHA!! 😂😂😂🚁🚁🚁 tolong lahh tak leh move on tahu?! 😂😂 lepastu ada lah kakak ni, anak kawan Ummii.. dia comment mcm ni ; tunggu dh besar nnti, jgn ckp Bahrain je, pusing 1 dunia terus. 😂 " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 ni mmg langsung x boleh move on. 😂 anyways, i pray that Kakak ni & Atiqa will always found the rainbows in life. much love 💞 amiin.. ...

When the Earth Complains to Allah 🌍☁

assalamualaikum wbt. so today i am very excited to tell you 1 of my fav stories! 😁😁 titled; " When the Earth complains to Allah  ". interesting right,? me before know this story i feel like ' can't wait to hear the story!!' 😨😄 so the Earth complains to Allah when human commit sins. it doesn't matter, such as no manner or bad-mannered, hurting someone's heart, lying, and etc. So one day,a man commits sin.. so the Earth 🌍 says ; " Ya Allah, everything in the universe obeys You. the Sun,the Moon, Mountains, Tree, Sky... but why that man, that man,dares to disobey You? !! whereas human is the most glorified creature. O Allah, allow me to swallow him!"   then the Sea 🌊 says; "  O Allah, everything in this world, in the universe obeys You.. The Earth, the animals, the stars.. but why that man, DARES TO DISOBEY YOU?!!! O Allah, allow me to drown him! "   then the Sky ☁ says; " Ya Allah, Ya Raheem, everything in the univers...

u forgot what's most important..

assalamualaikum wbt. { waalaikumsalam wb.t } 🌺🌺🌺 ged morning! ged morninggg!! so after watching 3 young hafiz whole quran on youtube, i 'ter'remember something when i was in form 2. it was early month in that year.. maybe January, February or March like that. the teachers gave us A TON OF HOMEWORKS... A TON I MEAN A LOTTTTTT. it's like till you don't have time to eat, rest, watching tv and ABSOLUTELY NO TIME TO REST AT ALL !! if Saturday comes, how grateful we are that time. till status updated on whatsapp ; " Please, NO CALL , NO MESSAGE. I HAVE A DATE WITH SATURDAY TOMORROW. WHOEVER TRY TO DISTURB ME, I'LL KILL YA. AND IM SERIOUS. " 😆 yes totally me. 😆😆 so that time, dah dekat cutiiii pulakkkkkkkkk..... 😫😫😫😫  If you're us, "School Break" means 'disaster' you know. 😭😭😭 cuz teachers will give us homeworks. and it IS per/day. argh 😫. so that time, school break was around the corner.. so our Quran Teachers gave us ...

Kawan dengan budak kecik tu sunnah Rasulullah 😇

assalamualaikum w.b.t !! 🍜🍜 so baru tadi kitaorg belajar Tauhid dekat sekolah with the most stupendous ustaz ever!!!!! 😂 tadi kitaorg belajar bab 2; Soalan Qubur !!!!!! 💀👻💀👻💀👻 { seram takk seram takk?? 👻 } of coz lah seram!!! kubur kot.. kalau x dpt mengucap macammana,, mati mengejut, hukum orang yang x percaya soalan kubur, mengapa disebut sebagai soalan kubur dan macam2 lagi. (ps : Kitaorg belajar pasal Tapir sekali erk. 😆😆😆 HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!! wth?) okey lepastu ada lah dalil (means bukti) dr Al-Quran 📔 & hadis..📖 sekarang ni cakap pasal hadis, Dari Ibnu 'Abbas r.a, wait! SIAPA IBNU ABBAS NI?! 😐 ustaz tanya nii, " Siapa ibnu Abbas? " Ibn Abbas : Anak Abbas ( Ibnu : anak lelaki ,, Abbas . ) Ibn Abbas ni budak kecik 👨.. budak kecik lagi. masa Nabi dewasa (tua) , Ibn Abbas ni kecik lagi.. dlm 3 tahun.. ha camtu lah.. Nabi suka bermain (bersama) kanak2 👬.. budak2 kecik... etc.. antaranya Ibnu Abbas, Ibnu Umar, Ibnu Mas'ud, Ibnu Zubair.. pas...

Being a mascot 👽

11 feb 2017, Saturday { esok sukan }. ~11.01 pm~ assalamualaikum w.b.t, good nite  !! 😀💜 so how are you? me, i'm just fine about 2 hours ago but just now i feel nervous for tomorrow.. SUKAN ! 🏀⚽🎾🎽🏃🗽🚸❌✔ no, i'm not scared to sukan.. but perbarisan.. cikgu said i'm going to be a mascot for our team. (team? haha can't figured the perfect word than 'team'. 😩) and guess what? i'm going to be ADUDU tomorrow!!  * that green creature is Adudu. * *one of Adudu's species, Bagogo, a businessGREENCREATURE { i thought so 😂 }* for those who don't know Adudu, he's a character from Malay Action Cartoon Series, BOBOIBOY. he's an alien. 👽 (for you who don't know about this series, better watch now on youtube. it was totally amazing, i love this series so much! ❤) * Adudu's ex-classmate, Ijojo. dia jahat~* So dalam perbarisan nanti, i yang depaaaan sekali. wearing Adudu mascot. but more surprising, MY TEACHER MAKE THE MASCO...


assalamualaikum w.b.t 😍 so today was pretty much nice to me. i am very happy , and i hope you (readers) are happy too cus if i am happy with this day, u gais should have a happy day too. 🐥🐥 smiileee!!! 😁😄 so sekarang kita dalam minggu sukan, haritu masa rentas desa, HAMPIR semua cikgu dan HALF kawan2 cakap yang muka aku ni LAIN. means LAIN not the same anymore. about 2 days ago. takan lah muka aku ni berubah cepat sgttt 😨 diorg cakap " It's kinda Raihana DEWASA ". i asked them ape yang beza sgt dengan Raihana budak & Dewasa? 😅😅😅 hello i'm still Raihana okeyy. diorg cakap " Macam dah lain... ya, definitely not the same anymore... the Raihana budak lebih comel dari Raihana sekarang. " ye ke. rasanya aku forever comel HAHAHAH  😷 well aku tanya lahh hidung 👃 aku ke lain? diorf jawab sameeee. sebab aku pakai spek ke? diorg cakap ya. but when i tanggalkan spek, diorg cakap lagi lain.👻 tanya, pipi aku ke lain? kening ke? (pssttt ...

What I learned from George Hogg ( Hero in China )

Dear Diary... Sunday, 29 Jan 2017 . written on 11.59 pm . George Aylwinn Hogg , died on 22th July , 1945 . Was a British Adventurer . He was a graduate of Oxford University  in economics . he's also known as a Hero in China  for saving   60 orphaned boys  (antaranya Shi-Kai, Ching, Yu-Lin, Lou I {anak pertama} , Lou Er { anak ke dua } , Lou San { anak ketiga } , Lou Si {anak keempat}. ) during the 2nd War between China & Japan ( Perang ke-2 China Jepun )  this is him. George Hogg  .He was a handsome young man. To me, he was a great, knowledgeable   man . He proved to me that Knowledge can fix everything.  He changed 60   useless, dirty, orphaned boys into Men.  'Men' here means ; strong, active, smart, good, gentle men.   He helped the boys with 3 months journey!  whatta mazing man! He patients  in every situation and he survived by himself. He got a {girl} friend, name Lee Pearson ( i w...

Beautiful whisper from Musfirah. 💟

afraid when people watch you? why? cus u think you're not beautiful. that's the reason right? maybe it's not but it is. don't lie yourself. quite right ah-ha? well me too. me too. it felt like people will judge you or sth and say that you're like this, you're like that and the face like this, the nose like that, the hijab wasn't perfect and she walk like a nerd and she like this, she like that and stuff like that .< like these right? When i was walking to my classroom with Musfirah yesterday and this thing happened. a crowd of human {lol} at our front. and they like watching us and  "chit chat chit chat " to their friends's ears and then watch us again then chit chat and repeat the same thing. we can't possibly run  or walk quickly!! i was too shy like nobody then i looked at Musfirah's face and i told her that im scared. Musfirah looked at me and then she whispered ; " Awak fikir yang awak ni cantik. :) " and i be like.....

Love Story. 💘

ada seorang pemuda. suatu hari, dia mengajak ayahnya 👴 untuk menemaninya masuk meminang seorang gadis. 👰   Ayahnya bertanya mengapa dia hendak mangahwini gadis tersebut? Anaknya 👨 menjawab " Gadis ini sangat cantik yang tiada tandingnya! Jika ayah melihatnya, pasti ayah akan tertarik akannya juga. " maka mereka pun pergilah ke rumah gadis tersebut. Pabila ayah pemuda itu melihat wajah bakal menantunya itu, FUHHHH. 😍😍 Cantik benar!!!!! Cantik yang mmg tiada nilainya! lantas si Ayah berkata " Wanita ini terlalu cantik, jadi dia memerlukan seseorang yang matang & berpengalaman mcm saya. "   Si Anak begitu terkejut dengan kata2 dari ayahnya itu. lalu mereka berdua pun bertengkar. " Sudah!! Kita selesaikan saja masalah ini dengan polis. " kata si Ayah. si Anak bersetuju. Mereka pun membawa si Gadis tadi berjumpa Polis 👮 lalu menceritakan peristiwa yang berlaku tadi. Pabila si polis melihat Gadis 👰 yang menawan tiada tandingan itu, si polis te...

Bilik Kaunseling 😷

Ada seorang remaja perempuan yang duduk disebelah saya di dalam kelas. nama diberi, Suhada. 😂 Masatu Suhada & dr. Al Fadhil Fadhilah Adliah pergi bilik kaunseling. 😆 nak jumpa cikgu sapa ntah 💁 yang pasti, BUKAN cekgu kaunseling.   Lepastu Arina ternampak Suhada dalam bilik kaunseling, dia dh nak keluar tapi malu2 macam tgk kiri kanan, lepastu tutup pintu. 😅😆 Arina pun tanya... kenapa... jawapan dia... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAABAB  😂😂😂😂😂😂 " AKU TAKUT NANTI ORG INGAT AKU KENA PANGGIL DENGAN CIKGU KAUNSELING. 😆😆😆 SEBAB TU AKU TAKUT NAK KELUAR.. " 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂  January, 2017 winner. 😆😆😆 ok bai.  8 jan 2017, 2.39 pm, sundayy