rasa mcm baru jek masuk CFS haritu eh know2 dah 15 Jun 2021? where the heck the time has gone to? 🥺🌦️
so last week Mazliana texted me.. u might be wondering, siapa Mazliana ni? well, Mazliana ni member time sem 2 sbb stay campus sama2 kenz, dia from Allied Health Sc and she's somewhere in the high committee of MEDCY. MEDCY ni apa pula? basically MEDCY ni nama society untuk SEMUA course sc; BioSc, PhySc, Nursing, Medic, Dentistry etc.
jadi time tu malam Rabu last week, dia ketuk bagi salam kat whatsapp, tanya bizi kee and i was like takkan la nak jujur ngat kan but yea AED kids currently tengah final project so we can only predict that we all gonna lose our minds at the end of the semester. 😍
Mazliana minta tolong designkan badge untuk tutor MEDCY. as we all know, MEDCY ni such a massive society sbb dia gabung SEMUA budak sc, jadi diorg ada mcm mentor utk siapa yang dapat GPA Dean's List and A exceptional untuk particular subjek sc, kena jadi tutor untuk student lain agitchew. since im budak archi kan, memalukannya kalau tak reti design 😂, so i told her maybe i CAN help. like those brainiac tutors gonna wear my design @ signature kot, dah la ni somewhat prog under universiti, so saya amatlah berbesar hati ya. Dah fefeeling mcm Teme Abdullah dah, sbb dia pun design tshirt kan during his teenage years, eh tertiba sama dah la part kena plagiat pun haihhh entah2 jodoh tak HAHAHAH gurauuu crush saya pls mohon jgn terasa 😔
Despite the whole universe know that im so bad at drawing, but hey we are talking about design kot, design is sth uncertain, dramatic and it goes wild. Don't you dare speak to me pasal design, aku belajar design so shut up OK 😤
after around an hour and a half crunching my tiny pea-sized brain, so i came up with 3 final designs; kucing pakai goggles, tabung uji lepastu ada somewhat sayap centu & heart dalam tu ada e=mc² (to represent physickk) , tabung uji (to represent chemy), and a cat (to represent bio).
I sent the drafts to Maz, and she said that the tutors looooooove the cat with goggles hell much!!!! padahal sumpah, like wallahi, aku nak tengok lukisan sendiri pun tak sampai hati 🤣🤣🤣 sebab my style is more to the uglier, the better. Macam memang kita lukis buruk2 on purpose centu.
haaa ala2 macam ni.
jap aku tunjuk design aku ni jangan. sapa2. berani. gelak.
ni just draft je, warnanya bisa diatur sih.
nak diceritanya, sumpah dah la bayaran aku ni cuma chocolate Cadbury je tau tapi demand nya ma shaa allah ya.. 🥴 nak dekat beribu kali tukar2 design, padahal aku ckp aku nak tolong jerps lelebih tu gi la tanya hakak yang buat badge tu ken takpun diorg lukis sendiri. i mean, diorg just tinggal pilih font, colour and background, as untuk the MEDCY punya figure, i already sent them the cat dah diorg tinggal cut and overlay je atas badge!
mcm ni lah ek rasasanya bila ada client ni hm. Nak background tukar ada rocket la, star la, rocket dgn star la, pastu kucing nak tukar ada stethoscope la, nak tukar pegang laptop la, nak dia pegang tabung uji la ya Rabbi.
Ingat kan dah puas hati, eh Raihana, logo UIA jangan lupa, logo MEDCY pun sama, dah aku kena cut satu2 😵. dia mengeluh bukan sebab apa, sebab design ni i did it MANUALLY. Lukis guna tangan semua sendiri, font pun tibai je yang dalam kepala, semua brainstorm sendiri. aku ni dh le tak reti lukis astogeeeee. fikir kucing tu tetiba je ke melintas kat katil ni erm.
sooooo after 3 days berbincang dgn tutors, finally dah ada finalized design alias doaku termakbul, the tutors and lecturers MEDCY semua agree dengan satu design ni.....
sebab program diorg ni mcm bertemakan ala2 outer space mcm tu, so diorg yang bagi background, however to be frank, I'd prefer the background to be plain je;
so this is what yang saya convince diorang to accept like simple jek, the font pun ada la mencerminkan mentor, and the cat pun nampak la science-y nya sebab dia pakai goggles. as untuk logo, kan dah mentioned CFS IIUM so rasanya tak perlu dah logo centu hshshs.
Tapi takpe sukahati lah kenz diorang nak sangat background rocket tu soooo...
takpela mana tahu tak jadi arkitek ke nanti dah besar boleh la bisnes design sendiri (untuk part time jek!) maybe cuti 2 bulan tunggu degree ni kenz eheheheh okay done muamalat kita andddddd AQUE TUNGGUE CHOCOLATE AQUEEEE
yang ikhlas,
gadis cantik yang duduk dekat compartment D, bilik 118, mahallah Umamah 💖
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