1st June 2021, Tuesday, currently in jelousy >:( hm!
*IDEA is our society name. it is AED but read backwards. AEDi.
umm basically i placed the title before the championship and now it's already 2 days after the debate 🤣
so i still remember that day w here Asad texted me asking if i interested to join debate representing my course, archi & env design (AED, if ur new). when i was in secondary school, i did joined some debate competitions since i was 15 and i got the title 'best debater'. I was in that team with my bestfriend, Ainul and my forever friend, Hidayah. these 2 idiots were the best when it comes to talk-back episodes. still fresh in my mind how we got prepared; always 2 weeks before the competition, find legit EVERYTHING related to our motion, collect informations from buku karangan biar ayat power and figure out what will the opposition come up with. oh well.
now it has been nearly 10 months i am stuck in the campus. 10 months with no tv. 10 months didn't hear my dad talk about current issues on the phone. 10 months so far away from new books (i only read poetry and short story here, other than these are tafsir Ibn Kathir, archi books and magazines and my uni books) so what to expect to come out from my mouth than just archi and econs language?
due to tons of models need to be submitted before the deadlines, my debate team we really understand each other. so we started our engine a little bit later than everyone else who join the debate.
for our course we have 2 groups:
Idea A - Asad, Afrina and i
Idea B - Dian, Akmal and Muaz.
honestly i felt so insecured to be in one team with Asad and Afrina. Afrina is our course president, on 2019, she represented Malaysia for Arabic International Debate, sponsored by Terengganu government, and she won gold. while Asad, he has the experience under the Education Ministry of Malaysia which is obviously sickk.
oh well we started our discussion on Thursday and we only sleep for 2 hours until the championship!! :) it was so funny that our 1st match on Saturday afternoon, the internet went to Africa out of sudden and i was totally lost in my argument. like i didn't even understand what im talking about :/ i was planning to not give my friends the link of the parliament trial session, but then i saw Fatimah's name in the meet, then Anis, then Naili, and then Hilwi like how in the world they got Amzar's linktree pun i dunno lah, all and all i would never want to admit who that girl at the 1st match just now. horrible performance!! (but we won HAHAHAHA all thanks to Afrina's eloquence and Asad's blessed brain)
because i felt so ashamed with my existence in the 1st part of the championship, i decided to prepare HARDER before the 2nd match, which was held on Saturday night. and alhamdulillah i was SOOO GOOD LIKE HELL-Asad approved HAHAHAHA i feel that i got my 15 years old self back, but ya we lost lol. the match was between us and language kids (AMETHYSS), the most annoying part was when the YB of Menteri tried to elocute my argument, he went like "ma shaa allah, tergamak betul YB kita pada harini // subhanallah sidang dewan, mana belas kasihan timbalan pembangkang ni dewan sekalian? // adakah YB ingin berkata bahawa YB tidak mengendahkan mereka yang terkena tempias buli siber? allahuakbar ". like his face dah la so similar to Dai Farhan, and he wore kopiah also, eeeeeeee i was so annoyed (a little amused OFC HAHAHA) that i couldn't back up my argument!!
and so to the next day, as early as 8 am the debate started and we this time we will be the government and the opposition were the future doctors (read: MEDCY). it was so funny when it came to Pak Abu membaiki Basikal like i laughed so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣 they said that how come internet or digital economy would be helpful if there are lack of infrastructure in rural areas? so they won.
and here's the list of top 10 debaters. alhamdulillah ala kulli haal, i was listed on no 9, out of 42 participants. Asad got to be on top 5 while Afrina in 11th position. alhamdulillah im so proud of my team eventho we didn't make it to semi final and final. i was quite happy too to be frank because i was hell tired and we didn't even do research on semi final topics: Dasar 60:40 and Pengalihan Vaksin ke Sektor Swasta. and we also need to submit drawings and presentation boards on Monday so alhamdulillah, indeed God is the best planners. we dont have to prove it with trophys nor medals, everyone knows we are the best hee. yayy!! best experience for sem 3 checked ✅
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